Powerful insights from the CEO of a leading market intelligence company 2024 edition

Our CEO and Founder, was recently invited onto Disruptive Live‘s AI Show, where he and host Emily Barrett, AI Lead for Lenovo, discussed innovation in AI. If you didn’t have a chance to watch it then you can catch up here. But in the meantime, we’ve taken 5 powerful insights from Wilson’s experience at the helm of our leading market intelligence company, serving them up for you here in this article

Seeing the world through an unbiased lens as a market intelligence company

In the interview, Wilson quips that being a leading market intelligence company is a bit like being a global detective. Why is this? We dig through mountains of news from every corner of the world to piece together what’s really going on. Contrary to popular belief, this isn’t just about collecting data (although we do have a pretty impressive data moat under our belts and you can find out about some of the use cases of our data intelligence here). The reality is it’s about cutting through the noise to reveal global truths.

For now, information overload and potential bias is everywhere. All of this means our role in deciphering what’s truly going on has never been more crucial. This isn’t just about aggregating news. First and foremost, we’re analyzing it and cross-referencing it, but above all we’re distilling it into actionable intelligence. All of this means using our AI algorithms to detect subtle nuances in language, identify potential biases, and corroborate information across multiple sources. Imagine having a team high-level analysts working round the clock, but with the added advantage of processing power that can handle millions of data points simultaneously. This is the kind of advantage we’re able to deliver.

But perhaps most important of all, it’s not just about what’s being said, it’s also what’s not being said. It can also be about detecting when a topic is suspiciously absent from certain news sources, or when there’s a sudden shift in narrative across multiple outlets. In this scenario, we can paint a truly comprehensive picture of global events, free from the distortions of any single perspective.

Which brings us to the end result, which is a clear, unbiased view of the world that our clients come to us for and trust us with – the kind of insights that  enable them to make informed decisions and find competitive edge. 

AI is the trader’s new best friend

A while ago we put out an article about whether AI will replace traders. The reality is, once upon a time, getting your hands on solid intel was like striking gold. Now, with AI in our toolkit, our team is able to sift through more information than an army of analysts. It’s like having a superpower.

But right now, it’s not about replacing traders, but about enhancing their capabilities. AI is akin to a research assistant that never sleeps.  Its key advantage is that it processes vast amounts of data 24/7.  Where it really shines is in its capability of tackling patterns and anomalies that human eyes might often miss, analyzing market sentiment from public sources, parsing through earnings reports in seconds. Where it really makes strides is in predicting market movements based on historical data and current trends. All of which allows plays a vital role in helping traders to focus on what they do best – making strategic decisions and managing risk.

The real magic happens when human intuition meets AI-powered insights. In short, a seasoned trader’s gut feeling – honed by years of experience – can be combined with AI’s data-crunching abilities. This marrying of the two has the potential to create a formidable force in the market like never before. It’s a big splash –  like having a co-pilot who never sleeps. Imagine its powerful ability to constantly scan the horizon for opportunities and potential pitfalls. One thing is for certain, with the landscape changing, the most successful traders won’t be those who resist AI, but those who learn to dance with it, leveraging its strengths to enhance their own decision-making processes. That’s why the future of trading isn’t man vs. machine – it’s man and machine, working in harmony to navigate the complex waters of global markets.

How we map the corporate jungle as a market intelligence company

You will be forgiven for almost spilling your coffee when we mention that we track over a million companies. It’s like creating a family tree for every business out there. The level of detail we go into is mind-boggling – suppliers, customers, competitors, the works. But it’s more than just a static picture; it’s a living, breathing ecosystem that we monitor in real-time.

Imagine having a birds-eye view of the entire corporate world, where you can zoom in on any company and instantly see its connections, influences, and vulnerabilities. That’s what our corporate mapping achieves. We don’t just look at financial statements and press releases; we analyze media sentiments, track supply chain risks, and even monitor regulatory changes that might impact a company’s operations. This holistic approach allows us to predict market movements before they happen, identify emerging competitors, and spot potential acquisition targets or partnership opportunities. It’s like having a corporate GPS that not only shows you where a company is now, but where it’s likely to go in the future. In today’s fast-paced business environment, this level of insight isn’t just valuable – it’s absolutely critical for anyone looking to stay ahead of the curve.

Turning back the clock with data

Think of us as time travelers. We’ve squirreled away years of data that you can’t find anywhere else now. It’s not just about looking back, though – this treasure trove also helps us peek into the future of markets. It’s like having a supercharged crystal ball, one that doesn’t just show fuzzy images of the future, but provides clear, data-driven insights into market trends and potential disruptions.

This early adoption has given us a significant edge. While others are still grappling with the basics of AI implementation, we’re fine-tuning our models and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. Our AI doesn’t just process information; it connects dots across vast datasets, identifying patterns and correlations that would be impossible for human analysts to spot alone. It’s this combination of cutting-edge technology and years of accumulated expertise that allows us to offer unparalleled insights to our clients, helping them navigate the increasingly complex global business landscape with confidence.

Find out more

If you’re ready to an early adopter and gain competitive by working with an AI-driven market intelligence company like Permutable, we’d love to from you. 

Access crucial insights giving you the competitive edge needed in today’s fast-paced business world. As a global market intelligence company, our cutting-edge AI technology, combined with years of accumulated data and expertise, can give you the edge you need to make informed decisions and navigate the complex global business landscape with confidence.

Whether you’re a trader looking to augment your skills, a company seeking to understand your place in the corporate ecosystem, or a decision-maker in need of unbiased global insights, we’re here to help.

Take the first step towards transforming your approach to market intelligence by working with a leading market intelligence company. Contact us today for a personalized demo of our AI-driven solutions to explore how we can work together to unlock the full potential of your business strategies.

Don’t just react to the market—anticipate it. Reach out now and discover the difference that truly intelligent market insights can make by dropping a line to enquries@permutable.ai or filling the form below.

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