AI for good: Harnessing the power of technology to create a better world

With the advent of Chat GBT being rolled out into the public domain, there has been much media attention of late around what the future of AI holds for us – most of which is negative. At Permutable AI, what we feel has been overwhelmingly lacking is coverage of how there has also been a remarkable shift towards utilizing AI for good in recent years which is set to continue on into the future. 

From improving healthcare to addressing climate change, AI has the potential to revolutionize the way we approach global issues and create a better world for future generations. This exciting development has sparked a new movement of innovators who are using their skills and expertise to harness the power of AI for beneficial causes. Through innovative applications of machine learning algorithms and data analytics, AI is being used to improve the lives of people around the world in countless ways. In this article, we will explore some of the most significant ways AI is being used for good and the impact it is having on our world.

Applications of AI in creating a better world

AI for environmental sustainability

One of the most pressing challenges facing the world today is climate change. While there is no single solution to this complex problem, AI is being used to develop innovative approaches that can help mitigate its impact. For example, AI algorithms can analyse vast amounts of data collected from sensors and satellites to identify patterns and predict outcomes related to climate change. This data can be used to make more informed decisions about resource management, energy consumption, and other critical factors that contribute to environmental sustainability.

Another way AI is being used for environmental sustainability is through the development of smart cities. Smart cities are designed to be more efficient, sustainable, and liveable for their residents. AI technology is being used to optimize transportation systems, reduce energy consumption, and manage waste more effectively. By using AI to manage these systems, cities can reduce their environmental impact and improve the quality of life for their residents.

AI for healthcare and medical research

AI is also being used to revolutionize the field of healthcare and medical research. Machine learning algorithms can analyse vast amounts of medical data to identify patterns and predict outcomes related to disease diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. This technology is being used to develop new drugs and therapies, as well as to improve the accuracy and speed of medical diagnoses.

AI is also being used to develop personalized medicine, which tailors medical treatments and therapies to an individual’s unique genetic makeup. By using AI to analyse a patient’s genetic data, doctors can develop personalized treatment plans that are more effective and have fewer side effects.

AI for disaster response and management

Another critical area where AI is being used for good is in disaster response and management. When disasters strike, time is of the essence, and quick decisions can mean the difference between life and death. AI technology is being used to analyze real-time data from social media, news outlets, and other sources to provide first responders with accurate and up-to-date information about the situation on the ground.

AI is also being used to develop predictive models that can help identify areas that are most vulnerable to disasters. By analyzing data related to weather patterns, geological conditions, and other factors, AI algorithms can help emergency responders prepare for potential disasters and respond more quickly when they occur.

AI for education and accessibility

AI technology is also being used to improve education and accessibility for people with disabilities. For example, AI-powered virtual assistants can help students with disabilities navigate the school environment, access educational resources, and communicate with teachers and peers. AI is also being used to develop educational materials that are more accessible to people with disabilities, such as braille and audio textbooks.

AI is also being used to improve accessibility for people with physical disabilities. For example, AI-powered prosthetics can provide greater mobility and functionality for people who have lost limbs. AI technology is also being used to develop devices and applications that can help people with disabilities navigate the physical environment more effectively.

Ethical considerations 

While AI has enormous potential to create a better world, there are also ethical considerations that must be taken into account. For example, there is a risk that AI technology could be used to perpetuate bias and discrimination. If AI algorithms are trained on biased data, they may perpetuate that bias in their decision-making processes.

Another ethical consideration is the potential for AI to displace human workers. As AI technology becomes more advanced, it may be able to perform tasks that were previously performed by humans, leading to job loss and economic insecurity for those who are displaced.

Examples of successful AI for good initiatives

Despite these ethical considerations, there are many successful AI for good initiatives that are making a positive impact on the world.

We share a selection of our favourites here: 

  • IBM Watson Health: IBM Watson Health is using AI to help doctors and researchers better understand complex medical conditions and develop new treatments. They have developed AI tools to analyze medical images and patient records, and to assist doctors in making diagnoses.
  • Google DeepMind: Google DeepMind is working on using AI to help solve some of the world’s biggest challenges, such as climate change and energy efficiency. They are also developing AI tools to help diagnose and treat medical conditions.
  • Microsoft AI for Earth: Microsoft’s AI for Earth program is using AI to help address environmental challenges, such as climate change and deforestation. They are also using AI to help farmers optimize their crop yields and reduce waste.
  • Accenture: Accenture is using AI to help create more inclusive workplaces and to help people with disabilities find employment. They have also developed AI tools to help detect and prevent human trafficking.
  • Nvidia: Nvidia is using AI to help address some of the world’s biggest challenges, such as climate change and healthcare. They are also developing AI tools to help farmers optimize their crop yields and reduce waste.
  • Siemens: Siemens is using AI to help improve energy efficiency, reduce carbon emissions, and increase renewable energy usage. They are also using AI to help optimize manufacturing processes and reduce waste.
  • Intel: Intel is using AI to help improve healthcare and to reduce carbon emissions. They are also using AI to help optimize manufacturing processes and to reduce waste.
  • Baidu: Baidu is using AI to help diagnose and treat medical conditions, and to improve healthcare outcomes. They are also using AI to help optimize transportation and logistics, and to improve energy efficiency.

How Permutable is using AI for good

At Permutable AI we use AI for good in several ways. One of our main focuses is to help businesses optimize their supply chain processes by using data-driven solutions powered by AI to identify and manage their environmental and social impacts.  We also use our AI to provide transparency and predictive modelling around carbon emissions data, as well as determining the feasibility if net zero plans, helping to support companies and countries with their net zero transition. 

Challenges and limitations 

While there are many successful AI for good initiatives, there are also significant challenges and limitations to the technology. One of the biggest challenges is the lack of transparency and accountability in AI decision-making processes. It can be difficult to understand how AI algorithms make decisions, which can make it challenging to identify and address bias.

Another challenge is the lack of access to data. AI algorithms require vast amounts of data to function effectively, but many organizations lack the resources or infrastructure to collect and analyse this data. This can limit the effectiveness of AI applications and prevent them from being used to their full potential.

The future 

Despite these challenges, the future of AI for good looks bright. As the technology continues to evolve, there is enormous potential for AI to create a better world and make a positive impact on people’s lives. With continued innovation and investment, AI has the potential to revolutionize the way we approach global issues and create a more sustainable and equitable future for all.


In conclusion, AI for positive initiatives are transforming the way we approach global challenges and creating a better world for future generations. From environmental sustainability to healthcare and disaster response, AI is being used to improve the lives of people around the world in countless ways. While there are significant challenges and ethical considerations to be addressed, the potential of AI for good is enormous, and the future looks bright for this exciting and rapidly evolving technology.

If you are interested in learning more about how Permutable AI is using AI for good, please get in touch with us. We would be happy to discuss our work and explore potential opportunities for collaboration. Together, we can harness the power of AI to create a better world for everyone. We look forward to hearing from you!

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