Why geopolitics is important to international business in 2024

Geopolitics, the study of how geography, economics, and politics intersect to shape the world, has become increasingly important. This field looks at the complex relationships between countries, regions, and international organizations and how these interactions influence power, resource distribution, and global decision-making. In our fast-changing world, understanding the impact of geopolitics is crucial for businesses, policymakers, and individuals. Geopolitical factors impact everything from trade agreements and investments to the stability of supply chains and access to critical resources. And we mustn’t forget how quickly these factors can change. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at why geopolitics is important to international business in today’s complex world. 

Why geopolitics is important to business and the role of geopolitics in today’s world

Geopolitics shapes the global economic and political environment. It examines how a region’s physical characteristics, like resources, climate, and location, influence power dynamics and strategic interests. Additionally, geopolitics explores historical and cultural factors, such as colonial legacies, ethnic tensions, and ideological differences, which contribute to conflicts and alliances.

By understanding geopolitical forces, businesses and organizations can better anticipate and navigate global challenges and opportunities. This knowledge helps businesses identify risks, tap into emerging markets, and make more informed strategic decisions. At the moment, the importance of this understanding cannot be overstated.

How geopolitical risks impact businesses

Geopolitical risks are a major concern for businesses today. Factors like political instability, trade disputes, and international conflicts can disrupt supply chains, affect market access, and cause financial volatility. Companies that don’t account for these risks may face unexpected challenges that hurt their competitiveness and profitability. First, the obvious impact is on supply chains.

To manage these risks, businesses need a deep understanding of the geopolitical landscape. This involves thorough risk assessments, diversifying supply chains, and maintaining flexible business strategies to adapt to changing circumstances.

Measuring and assessing geopolitical risk

Assessing geopolitical risk is complex. Organizations use both quantitative and qualitative data to evaluate the impact of geopolitical factors. This includes analyzing economic indicators, political stability indexes, and expert assessments of global trends. The facts and numbers are clear enough when we look at historical data, but the truth is more complicated when predicting future risks.

One common approach to measuring geopolitical risk is using risk assessment frameworks, which assign numerical values to various factors based on their likelihood and impact. These frameworks help businesses prioritize risk management efforts and allocate resources effectively.

Emerging geopolitical risks in 2024

These days, we can see some new geopolitical risks bubbling up across the globe at a rapid rate. This year, it is expected that businesses will face major geopolitical risks including:

The continuation of geopolitical risks between major powers 

Trade, investments and global cooperation can be adversely affected thus heightening the state of instability through the strained relationships between China, USA plus Russia. On that basis, firms need to know how they are poised for such shifts occurring.

Regional conflicts and instabilities

Many of the ongoing crises witnessed are likely to keep posing a threat to supply chains and cause strain on energy markets worldwide due to regional wars that have not been resolved. Of course, there is also the significant concern that these wars may escalate further at any given time. 

Technology competition and cyber risk

The world might is likely to witness a rise in geopolitical tensions and emerging threats as nations scramble for leadership in AI, quantum computing and cyber warfare. However; keeping pace with these fast changing technologies is extremely challenging as nations vie for tech supremacy. 

Climate change and the associated resource dearth

Scarcity of resources as well as climate change impacts such as severe weather patterns run the risk of fuelling more international disputes making it hard for companies to operate without friction from governments and other long-term implications.

Why geopolitics is important to international business

It is evident that geopolitical risks play a crucial role in influencing business operations, financial performance, and long term viability. Some of the ways that geopolitical risks can affect businesses include:

Supply chain disruption

Political uncertainties and trade wrangles can interfere with the smooth movement of goods leading to a slow down and extra costs in the process of shipment. Companies are increasingly diversifying their supply chain to mitigate these risks by securing alternative sources of supply.

Market access and investment barriers

Market access restrictions make it difficult for business expansion through foreign direct investment (FDI) which also fuels geopolitical tensions. What happens in the market whether there is a likelihood of it becoming stable again remains unclear hence companies should be on the lookout for both risks and opportunities.

Regulatory compliance risk

Sanctions from global policies based on political changes and the introduction of new rules’ can result in a compliance and legal nightmare. This gives a flavour of  how complicated regulatory environments are becoming.

Strategies for managing geopolitical risks

Managing geopolitical risks calls for proactive measures among companies including:

Regular risk assessments

Businesses need to ensure they always update geopolitical risk assessments  and be aware of how these might impact their operations. One can never play down the importance of carrying out regular reviews, particularly when geopolitical risks are involved.

Diversification of suppliers and markets

Flexibility is essential in dealing with geopolitical uncertainty. Businesses can adopt tactics such as multi-sourcing, which involves diversifying suppliers across multiple geographical regions. This technique reduces reliance on a single source and provides alternatives in the event of an interruption.

Engaging with policymakers and industry groups

Work together with government entities as well as organizations in the same industry field that regulate policies to be up to speed with what is required from such governing bodies and industry groups. This kind of connectivity enables anticipation over amendments to existing regulations across the globe. 

Investing in geopolitical intelligence and analysis

Permutable AI’s Geopolitical Risk Intelligence allows our partners to make informed decisions concerning what is happening in regards to geopolitical risk in real-time.  In a fast-paced environment where things change in split seconds, our Geopolitical Risk Intelligence tool uses advanced artificial intelligence as well as machine learning algorithms which analyze enormous volumes of data obtained from various media including news sources and social networking sites among others so that users can get instant insight about current sentiments shaping up globally.

Key elements and advantages

Our tool is able to scan through the web every 30 minutes for up-to-the-minute details on geopolitical incidences reported on in the news across up to 12,000 sources and across half a million articles day,  giving a whole, unbiased pictures regarding different areas of geopolitical risk enabling timely response by companies.

The next iteration of our tool will include forecasting capabilities, using advanced technologies including neural network systems to recognize patterns that point out ‘red flags’ during its predictions process. Interestingly, these models are capable of predicting key developments only by looking at a few data patterns based on vast amounts of information  to predict future potential geopolitical risks as they start bubbling up.  

Why geopolitics is important to business: Conclusion 

Understanding and managing geopolitical risks has never been more crucial in our contemporary world setting. However, failing to do so may lead to unpredicted challenges for some businesses while others may thrive on identifying as well as mitigating risks. The strategic decision-making process of organizations must be improved to reflect these turbulent times, with a focus on operational resilience. 

If experience tells us anything, it’s that proactive management of geopolitical risks can make a significant difference. We can be reasonably confident that with the right insights and strategies, businesses can navigate these challenges more effectively. Imagine, too, the potential for growth when businesses are well-prepared for geopolitical shifts. Just to make it absolutely crystal clear: there are real and sizeable risks inherent in geopolitics. The private sector must prepare itself for today’s highly volatile geopolitics through active risk management and real-time intelligence.

Harness AI-driven insights for proactive geopolitical risk management

Ready to stay ahead of geopolitical risks in real-time? Don’t let global uncertainties catch you off guard. Take control of your strategic decision-making with Permutable AI’s cutting-edge Geopolitical Risk Intelligence tool. Request a demo today and discover how our AI-powered solution can provide up-to-the-minute insights from 12,000+ sources, analyze over 500,000 articles daily for comprehensive coverage, offer unbiased, holistic views of evolving geopolitical landscapes, and enhance your risk assessment and mitigation strategies. Don’t wait for the next global shift to impact your business. Be proactive, be informed, be prepared. Contact us now to schedule your personalized free trial and see firsthand how Permutable AI can transform your approach to geopolitical risk management.