Innovation in tech 2024 – beyond Permutable AI’s disruptive secret sauce

Many companies grapple with the question: what sets you apart? This is a question our CMO Talya Stone is often asked when she is deep in conversation at the numerous conferences she attends. In this conversation, we sit down with Wilson Chan, CEO of Permutable AI, and Talya Stone, CMO, to explore what drives Permutable’s innovation in tech

What’s our secret sauce?

Talya: So Wilson, everyone always asks me this, so I’m posing it to you again, what is the secret source behind our cutting-edge innovations in technology?

Wilson: If you asked this question 20 years ago, the answer might have been something like, “We can’t tell you, it’s under wraps with intellectual property protection or patents.” Back then, a secret sauce might have involved access to exclusive data sets. But the reality today is vastly different. With the constant churn of innovations in technology, everyone has access to similar technologies and similar data. It’s no longer about having a unique piece of tech or a hidden data trove.

It’s about people and culture

Wilson: I know what you’re thinking – well, if there’s no single hidden ingredient, what makes Permutable stand out in the noise of AI innovations in technology? For me, I believe it comes down to our team and the culture we’ve created. We’ve built a team of passionate individuals who are truly excited about the work they do. We strive to create an environment where work isn’t just a job, it’s a place where they can thrive and contribute their best to our technological advancements.

Talya: That’s a great point. For me, it’s not just about individual talent; it’s about creating a cohesive unit that fuels further innovations in tech.

Wilson: Don’t laugh but I like to compare it to being a film director. For instance, Quentin Tarantino doesn’t just hire good actors; he hires actors who will mesh well together. His genius lies in creating an environment where their combined talents create magic. Similarly, there’s no secret sauce here. It’s about nurturing the right people and fostering a culture that fuels collaboration and innovation in tech.

Talya: That is so true! I love how the collaborative spirit of our team is evident in everything we do at Permutable. It’s something I particularly love about our team. I also love how everyone comes from diverse backgrounds, each bringing their unique expertise to the table. It’s this cross-pollination of ideas which I think is one of the major drivers of our success in developing cutting-edge innovations in tech.

Wilson: Agreed! The bottom line is we’ve worked hard to encourage open communication and a “no bad ideas” environment. This allows everyone to feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, leading to unexpected breakthroughs in our technological advancements. It’s about empowering the team and trusting their instincts.

Beyond the hype

Talya: There’s a lot of hype around AI these days. How do you generally tend to navigate that hype and ensure our solutions deliver real value as innovations in technology?

Wilson: For me it’s all about problem solving and keeping everything centred around real-world problems. So for example, we don’t get caught up in the latest fads or buzzwords surrounding innovations in tech or what other people are doing. Instead, what we do is focus on developing solutions that address specific challenges faced by businesses today while delivering a tangible return on investment.

Talya: One thing that really strikes me about the way we work is how closely with our clients to understand their unique set of problems they’re facing and how we tailor our AI solutions accordingly. You really get a sense that it’s not a cookie-cutter-style approach. 

Wilson: True, and another thing to add here is that at the end of the day, transparency and explainability are vital. We don’t operate as a black box. We explain how our AI works and empower our clients to understand the insights it generates. Sp this builds trust and creates the perfect basis for long-term partnerships, allowing them to leverage our innovations in technology effectively.

What lies ahead

Talya: Looking to the future, what excites you most about the potential of AI as a key driver in innovation in tech?

Wilson: AI has the potential to revolutionise countless industries. But the reality is, we’re just scratching the surface of its capabilities. All this means is that it’s extremely exciting to be pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

At Permutable AI our innovative solutions are driven by a passionate team and collaborative culture, and can help you tackle real-world challenges with real results. Contact us today to learn more about how our AI-driven data intelligence solutions can be tailored to your specific needs.