Why collaboration is the key to tackling climate change in 2023

Earlier this month, the Permutable AI team attended Sustainabilty Live, where industry leaders and expert analysts came together to discuss hot topics and exchange ideas at the heart of the 2030 agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. A key theme throughout was tackling climate change, and one of the biggest takeaways for us was how important collaboration is in driving sustainability.

The bottom line is, the gargantuan task of tackling climate change and achieving sustainable development can only be met if we collaborate, facilitate knowledge sharing and innovation and use it to drive action towards one common goal.

Each company must collaborate with their suppliers to work towards a more sustainable supply chain. Every corporation must work with its stakeholders on their sustainability journey, developing new partnerships that improve sustainability, accountability and transparency. Meanwhile, the pressure on private equity investors can deliver real impact on environmental and social issues alongside financial returns. 

We need different perspectives and solutions, bringing together companies, governmental and non-governmental organisations, academia, civil society and other groups to work towards the common purpose of tackling climate change.

We need diverse perspectives and skill sets to develop novel solutions. There is no one silver bullet here. We can all bring something to the table whether than be our unique expertise, skills, resources. There is no room for holding your cards close to your chest. We need them laid out on the table, for all to see so we can share what has worked so it can be applied elsewhere and make the marginal gains (a concept highlighted by Supply Pilot CEO James Butcher) needed in our collective journey towards tackling climate change and addressing the UN’s SDGS. 

At Permutable, we are passionate about well-orchestrated collaborations, and their potential to make systematic change. The first step for our company was to make our EM1 platform offering free ESG company reports based on all known environmental and social issues globally available to all. 

We continue to work with companies and NGOs to give them a clearer picture of what is really happening across global supply chains, so suspect practices can be called out and dealt with swiftly. Our latest project will be looking at company’s carbon commitments vs what they are actually doing, so that the gap between the two can be highlighted and bridged quickly.

Meanwhile, our recent funding from the government’s Innovate UK branch to help better predict the world’s carbon emissions trajectory will give us all a clearer picture of whether we can truly put the brakes on quickly enough to avoid the climate emergency currently forecasted.

There is room and scope for every one of us to be change-makers. We all have something to teach and something to learn in this urgent goal we are working towards. The only way of getting where we need to be before it’s too late, is by helping each other and sharing (non-competitive) information because we are all brought down by our weakest links, so it’s in everyone’s best interests to collaborate and find ways of bringing them along with us on the journey.

Get in touch with us today to discuss how we can collaborate by emailing our Partnerships team on talya@permutable.ai