Large Language Models: A look at LLM use cases in business in 2024

It seems that wherever you turn someone is talking about LLM (Large Language Models). Not long ago it was AI, ML, and NLP that were once the buzzwords du jour. But now these have been firmly replaced by LLMs. But what exactly are LLMs, and why can they be so powerful in the context of business transformation? In this article, we’ll explain all, so you can understand why the world has gone LLM-crazy, how  LLMs are rapidly evolving, and how LLM use cases in business are transforming how companies operate across industries.

What are LLMs?

LMMs are effectively AI-powered systems, trained on massive datasets of text and code. These powerhouses are blurring the lines between human and machine capabilities. From generating marketing copy to analysing sentiment which is at the core of what we do at Permutable AI,, LLMs are proving their worth in a multitude of business applications.

In a nutshell, LLMs are complex algorithms trained on extremely large amounts of textual data – for example – books, articles, or even social media conversations. Once trained, they can understand the subtleties of language, identify patterns, and generate human-quality text formats. So far, easy to understand. 

Now, what if we then imagined them as digital sponges? In this context, it’s even easier to understand because their main objective is to soak up information and learn how to use it in a way that mimics human communication. The most basic thing to understand here in our view is this –  the more data they’re exposed to, the more sophisticated their abilities become.

LLM use cases in business 

Almost everyone we speak to is getting excited about the potential of LLMs and LLM use cases in business. So what exactly is the potential here? Let’s rattle through some use LLM use cases in business below:  

Content creation

Do you want to overcome writer’s block? This is a major point where Long Large Models come in handy. Enterprises across the board are using them for content creation, specifically to formulate product descriptions, blog articles and social media captions; they can also adapt their writing styles to fit with the brand voice so as to appeal to the target audience.

Customer service

Could you picture a chatbot answering questions in your specific scenario properly for once? That is how Language Large Models are changing things in customer service with the incorporation of natural language conversational chatbots assisted by LLMs which can help troubleshoot simple problems as well as provide answers to more complex issues asked by humans.

Market research & sentiment analysis

Needing to get a handle of  customer opinions which are currently plastered all over social media platforms and online review? Enter LLMs which are adept at making sense out of this huge volume of data within market research with the aim of identifying trends, sentiment, and other emerging topics relevant to a brand or product. As a result, marketers can use this information for making data-based decisions for marketing and product development.

Fraud detection

In terms of identifying suspicious language patterns, LLMs are the real hero.  This makes them vital in mitigating fraud around the world. Financial institutions have resorted to their use in examining emails, text messages, as well as internet based transactions for an indication of any form of fraud.

Market risk management

Risk managers can look into historical data on commodity prices and other assets, as well as accessing instant information about how various assets’ prices are fluctuating with time so as to predict possible price changes on stocks, bonds or currencies, which is one of our key offerings at Permutable AI. 

Credit risk assessment

By evaluating the financial data including credit history of a borrower a lender can determine whether it is likely that they will fail to pay back the loan. This is a huge advantage for banks or financial institutions when making a decision on whether to give a person credit or not depending on their probability of refunding it.

Geopolitical risk monitoring

LLMS can be used to help companies anticipate potential disruptions that could arise due political instability, trade wars and natural calamities if they monitor these areas which is particularly important for companies and organisations involved in international trade. This is exactly how we use LLMs in our Geopolitical Risk Intelligence tools

Of course, there are so many use cases but these are just a few we have chosen to highlight – others include trade finance risk management, cybersecurity risk management, inventory management, supplier monitoring – the list is extensive!

Beyond efficiency: The human touch remains

Although LLMs are very powerful, one needs to understand that they are tools and not humans. Human creativity or ethical decision-making cannot be replaced by them. It is imperative that businesses understand this fact when they plan how they want to use these tools in their companies.

The future of LLMs: Ethical considerations

But as these systems become more complex, the concern about whether it is ethically worthwhile to use them becomes more important than ever before. This is because biased training data will result in outputs which will also be biased. Monitoring for fairness and accuracy and refining these systems will be the key tasks that will have to be done on a regular basis.

It is imperative for organizations using LLMs for their activities to always ensure ethical usage since these models can present a real challenge if not correctly handled in tandem with human beings who use them both responsibly and legally, all under certain conditions.

The takeaway: Embracing the LLM revolution

In the modern world, these Large Language Models are acting as agents of change introducing a new way of writing, speaking and understanding one another and the business landscape. From enhancing efficiency in business processes to gaining deeper customer understanding, using LLMs are already changing the ways firms operate. One thing is certain – each generation of language models will disrupt the status quo and create a new one—quicker than most of us will ever be able to keep up. 

LLM use cases in business: Find out how we can help you

At Permutable AI, we can help you seamlessly integrate LLMs into your operations with our AI transformation services. Want to explore how you can unlock the potential of these transformative AI tools? Contact us for a free consultation and discover how LLMs can accelerate your AI transformation journey.


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