Permutable AI named in ESGFinTech100 ranking of pioneering ESG tech companies

The recognition of Permutable AI’s commitment to ethical and sustainable AI solutions for the financial services sector has reached new heights as we proudly announce our inclusion in the prestigious ESGFinTech100 ranking of pioneering ESG tech companies. Organized by FinTech Global, a distinguished FinTech news, insights, and analysis specialist, the ESGFinTech100 shines a spotlight on technology solutions driving the financial sector towards ESG goals.

Empowering Financial Institutions in ESG Endeavours

Permutable AI has  been dedicated to pioneering the development of AI systems that embrace ESG principles. The ESGFinTech100 of pioneering ESG tech companies reaffirms our dedication to this mission, positioning us at the forefront of technological innovation aimed at addressing sustainability, social responsibility, and governance challenges.

The Growing Significance of ESG

Over the past year, there has been a significant increase in the urgency for financial institutions to incorporate ESG considerations into their operations and corporate decision making. Governments worldwide have been imposing stricter ESG regulations, and consumers are increasingly aligning themselves with companies that share their values.

The ESG sector has experienced a substantial 46% growth in deal activity in 2022, compared to the previous year. In the UK, a survey of banking leaders revealed that an impressive 76% of them are actively involved in digital transformation initiatives to drive sustainable outcomes.

Recognising Pioneering ESG Tech Companies

To guide financial institutions in their quest to meet the growing demand for ESG-centric tech solutions, the ESGFinTech100 identifies the top 100 tech innovators that are crucial for their ESG evaluation and advancement strategies. Permutable AI is honoured to be among the distinguished companies on this list.

The selection process for the ESGFinTech100 is meticulous, involving a panel of industry experts and analysts who carefully evaluated over 500 ESG tech companies. FinTech Global provided the data for the panel’s review. To earn a place on this prestigious list, companies had to demonstrate innovative use of technology to address significant industry challenges and exhibit a positive impact on ESG imperatives and sustainability enhancements for their clients.

Joining the ESG Movement

Permutable AI is proud to be part of the ESGFinTech100 ranking of ESG tech companies, contributing to the transformative movement towards sustainable and ethical finance. We remain committed to supporting financial institutions in their ESG endeavours, empowering them with innovative technology solutions that drive positive change.

As the world grapples with pressing issues such as climate change, social inequality, and corporate governance, the importance of ESG factors in the financial sector has never been more significant. ESG principles have become a central guiding force for institutions worldwide, shaping their strategies, investments, and operations.

The ESG framework represents a holistic approach to evaluating a company’s impact on society and the environment, encompassing its efforts to reduce carbon emissions, promote diversity and inclusion, and uphold ethical business practices. Financial institutions are increasingly recognizing the value of integrating ESG considerations into their operations, and in this landscape, technology solutions have emerged as crucial enablers of sustainable finance.

Innovating for a Sustainable Future

At Permutable AI, we believe that ethical and sustainable AI is not only a responsibility but an incredible opportunity to drive positive change. In our continued commitment to advancing responsible and sustainable AI, Permutable AI has embarked on a groundbreaking collaboration with international regulators to develop the GreenProof greenwashing detection framework

This pioneering initiative seeks to address one of the most pressing concerns in the ESG landscape – the deceptive practice of greenwashing. GreenProof harnesses the power of AI to scrutinise and authenticate a company’s ESG claims, enabling financial institutions and stakeholders to make informed decisions with confidence. By working closely with regulatory authorities, we are contributing to a more transparent and trustworthy financial ecosystem where authenticity and accountability are paramount. The GreenProof framework stands as a testament to our dedication to ethical and responsible AI innovation, ensuring that ESG principles are not only upheld but verified for the benefit of all stakeholders.

Wilson Chan, CEO of Permutable AI, notes, “Our inclusion in the ESGFinTech100 is not only an honour but a testament to our ongoing commitment to ethical and sustainable AI solutions. We are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of AI technology to ensure it aligns seamlessly with ESG principles, and we’re proud to be at the forefront of the ESG tech revolution.”

The Ethical Imperative

The incorporation of ESG principles into financial services is not just about compliance; it’s a moral imperative. As the world grapples with climate change, social inequality, and ethical governance issues, the financial sector has a pivotal role to play in shaping a sustainable future.

Financial institutions that take ESG principles to heart are not only better positioned to mitigate risks but also to seize opportunities for growth. The path forward involves harnessing technology as a force for good, enabling innovation that aligns with ethical values and societal needs.

Permutable AI is proud to be part of this transformative movement towards sustainable and ethical finance. Our commitment to ethical and sustainable AI solutions places us among the pioneers in the ESG tech sector, and we remain dedicated to supporting financial institutions in their ESG endeavours.

As the ESG framework continues to evolve and shape the future of finance, Permutable AI will be at the forefront, driving innovation, promoting ethical AI, and empowering financial institutions to embrace a more sustainable, responsible, and prosperous future.

For more information on the ESGFinTech100 and to explore the complete list, please visit Detailed profiles of the ESG tech companies companies featured on the list are also available for download free of charge on the website.

Find Out More

If you are eager to embark on a journey towards a more sustainable, ethical, and innovative financial future, we invite you to get in touch with us at Permutable AI. Our ESG FinTech solutions, including our revolutionary GreenProof greenwashing detection framework, are designed to empower your institution with technology that aligns seamlessly with ESG principles. Join us in shaping a more transparent and responsible financial landscape. Contact us today at or fill in the contact form below to explore how we can collaborate to drive positive change together.