Banking Sector ESG Report

Welcome to Permutable’s latest report, “ESG-friendly Perceived Banks: A Sentiment Analysis.”

Gain access to valuable insights on the banking institutions that have come up top in their  ethical and sustainable practices in the industry and those that require improvement.

Our comprehensive report dives deep into the evaluation of banks’ ESG performance by analyzing key indicators such as corporate behaviour, climate action, human rights, business ethics, governance, and discrimination. By leveraging sentiment analysis, we bring you an unbiased perspective on the most ESG-friendly perceived banks in the market versus those in need or ESG enhancement.

Discover which institutions have taken proactive steps towards responsible banking practices. Our report features an analysis of ten banks signaling those that have emerged as leaders in prioritizing ESG factors and those whose commitment to ESG needs to be strengthened further. The report covers Citigroup, Standard Chartered, Access Bank, Standard Bank, TCS Group, Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, Barclays Bank, Credit Suisse, and Wells Fargo.

Download the report now to stay informed about the banks that are shaping the future of ethical and sustainable banking practices. Gain valuable insights to support your investment decisions and be a part of the positive change in the banking industry.

Uncover the leaders in ESG-friendly banking by accessing our exclusive report today.

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