companies facing political risk

Permutable AI releases ranking of worst companies facing political risk in 2024

Our latest AI-driven sentiment analysis of companies facing political risk shows what a turbulent world now means for businesses. For corporations, the world is intricate. Consequently; negotiating through the ever moving parts of politics can be tough for enterprises. This is because sometimes political events happen unexpectedly and they usually affect everything from procurement processes right

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political data intelligence

Permutable AI launches political data intelligence BETA program 2024

Permutable AI is thrilled to announce the launch of our Political Intelligence BETA testing program, marking a significant step towards redefining the landscape of political data intelligence analysis. With a mission to harness the transformative power of AI for positive global change, we are paving the way for cutting-edge innovations in political data intelligence. An

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Governance in pharmaceutical industry

Governance in pharmaceutical industry: Permutable AI reveals worst perceived pharmaceutical companies for governance in 2024

The pharmaceutical sector is currently navigating through some of its most challenging times, exacerbated recently by a tragic incident involving a young patient and Pfizer’s experimental therapy. As regulators tighten their oversight, we at Permutable AI are here to shed light on the governance challenges within the industry, emphasizing the importance of governance in the

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