Permutable unveils preview of their propietary R2 machine learning engine

R2 is Permutable’s proprietary machine learning engine that has been developed over the course of the last two years. Using neural network technology, it is capable of deploying human taught patterns across 10,000s of different data. Below is an example of the R2 at work, learning from human behaviour in order to mimic trading behaviour.



The demonstration shows the selection of three examples of a trading pattern, as can be seen within the main user interface. This is then submitted to our machine learning engine – R2, which enables R2 to start learning how to find similar trading patterns. In the final stages, R2 then successfully finds similar patterns itself. All of this is completed within 10 seconds executed via Permutable’s servers.

Wilson Chan, CEO & Founder at Permutable said, “We are excited to be able to give a glimpse of our proprietary machine learning engine at work here. This represents the first use-case of our technology which will bring about the first wave of disruptions across our selected industries”.

For more information about how Permutable’s R2 engine can elevate your business, why not get in touch to have a conversation.