Governance in pharmaceutical industry: Permutable AI reveals worst perceived pharmaceutical companies for governance in 2024

Governance in pharmaceutical industry

The pharmaceutical sector is currently navigating through some of its most challenging times, exacerbated recently by a tragic incident involving a young patient and Pfizer’s experimental therapy. As regulators tighten their oversight, we at Permutable AI are here to shed light on the governance challenges within the industry, emphasizing the importance of governance in the … Read more

Why are banks collapsing: déjà vu or something new?

why are banks collapsing

Just when we thought we had seen the last banking crisis, back it comes. First Silicon Valley Bank and Credit Suisse, then possibly Deutsche Bank. What is going on? Well, in some ways, the story is simple. Investors are rightfully suspicious of the governance of banks, as our own analysis shows. Our data shows that … Read more

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