What are scope 4 emissions? A comprehensive guide

In today’s increasingly eco-conscious world, businesses must continually adapt and innovate to reduce their environmental impact. While most companies are familiar with scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, the lesser-known scope 4 emissions hold significant potential for driving sustainability efforts. This article discusses scope 4 emissions, their importance in carbon accounting, and how businesses can calculate and leverage avoided emissions for a more sustainable future.

What Are Scope 4 Emissions?

Scope 4 emissions, also known as “avoided emissions,” were first introduced by the World Resources Institute in 2013 as part of the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol. Unlike scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, which refer to direct and indirect emissions produced by a company’s operations, scope 4 emissions represent the emission reductions that occur outside of a product’s lifecycle or value chain due to the use of that product.

For example, scope 4 emissions can be attributed to products and services that help reduce emissions, such as energy-efficient appliances, low-temperature detergents, fuel-saving tires, and teleconferencing services. These emissions are not subject to mandatory reporting requirements and are not currently included in standard carbon accounting practices.

The Importance of Avoided Emissions in Carbon Accounting

While scope 4 emissions may not be mandatory to report, their inclusion in carbon accounting can provide valuable insights into a company’s overall environmental impact. By understanding and reporting scope 4 emissions, businesses can:

  1. Identify and seize emission reduction opportunities.
  2. Make informed decisions about investing in sustainable projects.
  3. Enhance the accuracy of scope 1, 2, and 3 emission calculations.
  4. Develop comprehensive sustainability strategies that address all aspects of their operations.

Moreover, incorporating scope 4 emissions into carbon accounting can help businesses choose suppliers with lower carbon emissions and adopt equipment and technology solutions that actively reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The Role of Avoided Emissions in Sustainability Strategies

When developing a sustainability strategy, understanding the concept of avoided emissions is crucial. By recognizing the potential emission reductions associated with scope 4 emissions, businesses can make more informed decisions about how to minimize their environmental footprint effectively.

Furthermore, reporting on scope 4 emissions creates opportunities for companies to develop emission reduction scenarios and strategies to act upon them. This not only helps businesses meet their sustainability goals but also enhances their credibility and reputation among stakeholders, consumers, and investors.

Why Scope 4 Emissions Matter

Reducing indirect emissions is a vital component of minimizing a company’s overall environmental footprint. Because avoided emissions are indirect, they can be challenging to measure, making it essential for companies to understand and address them.

By acknowledging avoided emissions, businesses can develop strategies to reduce their impact, such as working with low-carbon suppliers or adopting renewable energy sources. This not only helps companies reduce their environmental impact but also allows them to stay competitive in an increasingly eco-conscious marketplace.

Reporting Avoided Emissions

As the global community strives to combat climate change and limit global temperature increases below 1.5°C compared to pre-industrial levels, accurate reporting of emissions is essential. The Paris Agreement encourages countries to stay well below a 2°C increase, but businesses must go beyond net-zero emissions and become carbon negative to achieve this goal.

In this context, reporting avoided emissions is crucial for companies that want to remain competitive and meet the demands of conscious consumers and investors seeking ESG reporting data.

Designing Products with Avoided Emissions in Mind

One way businesses can reduce their environmental impact is by optimizing products during the design stage to emit less CO2 throughout their lifecycle. This involves considering every aspect of a product’s value chain, from manufacturing and logistics to end-use and disposal.

By optimizing products for reduced emissions and accurately reporting the avoided emissions, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and gain a competitive edge in the marketplace.

Benefits of Reporting Avoided Emissions

Reporting avoided emissions offers several benefits for businesses looking to improve their sustainability efforts and reduce their environmental impact:

  1. Enhancing transparency and credibility by openly sharing emission data and reduction initiatives.
  2. Attracting conscious consumers who make environmentally friendly purchasing decisions based on accurate data.
  3. Demonstrating a commitment to minimizing carbon footprints and appealing to eco-conscious investors.
  4. Identifying risk factors and providing valuable data for ESG reporting.
  5. Guiding future product development and innovation toward low-carbon or carbon-free solutions.
  6. Ensuring transparency and responding to changing consumer behavior and demands for carbon-free products and services.

Calculating Avoided Emissions

Though calculating avoided emissions can be more challenging than direct emissions, it is possible with the right approach and tools. Net0’s carbon accounting platform, for example, simplifies the process by categorizing and itemizing emissions, allowing businesses to analyze their carbon footprint by scopes.

By inputting data from utility bills, invoices, and other activity-based sources, the platform automatically calculates emissions and provides real-time reports that compare avoided emissions data with competitors and track progress over time.

Identifying Opportunities for Emission Reductions

There are numerous ways businesses can increase the number of saved and avoided emissions, including:

  1. Adopting energy-efficient appliances and lightbulbs.
  2. Conserving energy by turning off lights and electronics when not in use.
  3. Recycling and composting waste materials.
  4. Encouraging employees to use public transportation or bike to work.
  5. Sourcing products from sustainable or green companies.
  6. Partnering with green vendors and suppliers that actively help reduce emissions.

In Conclusion

Understanding and reporting scope 4 emissions can significantly impact a company’s environmental strategy and overall sustainability. By embracing the concept of avoided emissions, businesses can improve transparency, make more informed decisions, and contribute to a healthier planet.

Find Out More

Are you passionate about corporate transparency and combating climate change? Get in touch with us to learn more about our work in providing transparency around corporate carbon emissions data. Together, we can drive sustainability, empower informed decision-making, and create a greener future. Contact us today to join the movement towards a more transparent and sustainable business landscape.