Crude oil price forecast this week: Bearish pressures mount amid supply-demand imbalance

crude oil price forecast

Understanding the complex interplay of factors affecting crude oil price forecast is become increasingly vital for energy traders and investors amid increasing geopolitical and supply-demand tensions. The latest insights surfaced by our Trading Co-Pilot are signalling a consistent bearish trend for Brent crude oil, with prices experiencing notable pressure throughout February, culminating in significant declines … Read more

Natural gas price news: How wars and extreme weather shape TTF and Henry Hub markets

natural gas market news

It is not hard to see across Natural Gas price news that the natural gas market has emerged as a critical bellwether for global energy security, with its prices reflecting everything from geopolitical tensions to severe weather events. In this article, we’ll use insights from our Trading Co-Pilot to demonstrate the growing interconnectedness of global … Read more

Why is the price of wheat so volatile? 4 key factors

price of wheat

In this article, let’s compare the various factors currently shaping wheat markets to understand their profound impact on global prices. The approach to analysing the price of wheat has transformed dramatically of late particularly as we witness the tidal wave of technological change that’s about to hit commodity trading through AI-powered analytics provided by tools … Read more

Why is Microsoft stock down? An analysis of recent declines

why is Microsoft stock down

Over the past week, Microsoft’s stock has experienced a noticeable decline. So then, the expectation that tech giants like Microsoft would continue their upward trajectory has been challenged. So much of the past year has seen remarkable growth in tech stocks, and it seemed that tech stocks were unstoppable but with Microsoft’s recent tumble, it … Read more

Unlocking the power of global news sources for informed trading decisions in 2024

trading decisions

In the dynamic world of financial trading, information is not just power—it’s profit. Understanding the pulse of global events as they unfold allows traders to make informed trading decisions, often ahead of market moves. At the heart of this strategy lies the ability to analyse and interpret news from a myriad of sources worldwide. The … Read more

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