London Sustainability Forum 2023: Key takeaways and sustainable business practices

sustainable business practices at the London Sustainability Forum

Earlier this month, Permutable attended the London Sustainability Forum organised by King Stage Business School and the RSA, which delivered an insightful view into how companies can control their impact to achieve environmental objectives and meet sustainability goals through sustainable business practices. The conference conveyed a sincere message on the potential for companies to improve … Read more

Company spotlight: Walmart ESG report 2023

When it comes to sustainability reporting, there’s a lot of pressure on companies that are publicly traded to prove that they are managing their financials in a responsible way. Companies like Walmart have taken steps to demonstrate that they are making progress in the areas of their business most relevant to investors. This includes reporting … Read more

PR crisis management: How to avoid a PR disaster in 2023

reputation crisis management

From a public relations standpoint, there are few things more damaging for a company or brand’s reputation than a OR crisis. That’s because reputation crises—or, more specifically, crisis management in response to one—significantly reduce the chances of your company being taken seriously by future customers and vendors alike. Hence, if you’re reading this, there’s a … Read more

ESG due diligence: Why it matters to your company in 2023

ESG due dilligence

One thing that is absolutely crystal clear this year is that companies with a commitment to responsible management of their business and operations are going to have to step up their game if they want to stay in business. So where does ESG due diligence fit in the picture? At Permutable, we believe that 2023 … Read more

What is the global corporate water footprint and why does it matter in 2023?

corporate water footprint

Organizations face growing pressure today to reduce the environmental impact of their activities. They must also consider how their decisions and actions will affect people and planet outside the organization’s walls. This is particularly important for companies operating in global supply chains. In global trade, virtually every product has a serial number—and that number is … Read more

Sentiment analysis: What is it, how does it work and why is it important in 2024 and beyond?

Sentiment analysis is the practice of analyzing text to determine whether it contains positive, negative, or neutral sentiments. In simpler terms, sentiment analysis is the process of identifying and analyzing people’s emotions in written communication. The goal of this practice is to understand what people are saying about a particular topic and how they feel … Read more

Are the UN Sustainable Development Goals still relevant for solving the climate crisis in 2023?

UN sustainable development goals still relevant

Within climate and sustainability spheres, it’s a question being raised ever more frequently – are the Sustainable Development Goals still relevant? We all know that climate change is one of today’s most pressing issues. With global emissions of greenhouse gases still rising, it is more urgent than ever to find effective solutions to this problem. … Read more

Germany’s Act on Corporate Due Diligence in Supply Chains – What does it mean for your company in 2023?

corporate due dilligence in supply chains

It’s no secret that the current economic climate has left factories and businesses in a tight spot. While this is partly due to external factors like the recession and growing global competition, it’s also being driven by laws that are designed to increase transparency and protect consumers from unfair business practices. The German Act on … Read more

Climate crisis: How CEOs can help steer us away in 2023 and beyond

climate crisis

Climate change is one of the most pressing global issues of our time. With more than 20 percent of the world’s population and over 25 percent of its landmass at risk due to rising temperatures, action is needed. While governments seem to be losing the battle against climate change, businesses can be the ones to … Read more

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