The evolution of AI in financial markets: 7 key milestones

AI in financial markets

When you take a step back, it’s clear to see that the journey of AI in financial markets has been nothing short of remarkable. From its humble beginnings in the 1980s to its current status as a revolutionary force, AI has transformed the way we approach trading, risk management, and market analysis. So then friends, … Read more

The impact of extreme weather events on wheat prices in 2024

extreme weather events on wheat prices

Extreme weather events are driving agricultural prices higher, and one asset class which is particularly affected by this is wheat. Our data, as surfaced by our Trading Co-Pilot makes this abundantly clear and offers an insightful look at how extreme weather events across the globe can significantly influence wheat prices. By examining the events log … Read more

GenAI vs. non-GenAI market analysis: A comparative analysis 2024 edition

GenAI vs. non-GenAI market analysis

For decades, the success of financial world has been built the foundations of intuition and experience. Analysts would work round the clock, poring over data, searching for clues, and making educated guesses. Sure, it was a time-consuming, and nobody could deny that is was a laborious process, but that was the way things were done. … Read more

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